Friday 8 December 2023

"Rosie, your laughter brings the sunshine out to play"


I was in the French House today and was chatting to a mate.  I mentioned that I’d just restarted and reset this blog, and that my first piece was about Soho’s Rose (below). At which his eyes brightened and he regaled me of stories of Rosie – my friend had been a student at the time – and  of how Rosie would always do the run to the local bookies with the market-traders’ bets. And that the top ten hit in the UK in 1968 – Rosie, by Soho street-entertainer-turned-chart-topper Don Partridge – was not written about some lovely Soho belle, but about Rosie whom he must have known well as he busked the busy market-stalls (sadly now all gone).

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